Red Battlezord Promo will be automatically added to your cart at no additional cost!
The Zeo Gold Character Pack!
6 Custom Dice
2 Single Sided Character Cards
1 Pyramidas Zord Card
1 Red Battle Zord Promo Card!
Red Battlezord Promo will be automatically added to your cart at no additional cost!
The Zeo Gold Character Pack!
6 Custom Dice
2 Single Sided Character Cards
1 Pyramidas Zord Card
1 Red Battle Zord Promo Card!
Power Rangers
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers discover the Zeo Crystal and gain access to brand new powers and zords! The Zeo Ranger Pack adds 5 new playable heroes, along with their unique Zords...
Power Rangers
Bring the Shogunzords and Shogun Megazords into battle! Zord Pack #2 includes: 5 Zord Cards (Red Shogunzord, Blue Shogunzord, Black Shogunzord, White Shogunzord, Yellow Shogunzord) 2 Megazord Cards...
Power Rangers
Zord Pack #3 introduces the Super Zeo Zords and the Super Zeo Megazord; featuring a total of 8 exclusive new Zords for Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid! This is a Renegade Exclusive.
Power Rangers
“Squatt! Baboo! Where are you two cretins?! I'm furious! Come here so I can berate you!” ―Rita Repulsa Rita Repulsa’s most bumbling buddies have joined the fray. But don’t underestimate...
Power Rangers
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid Forever Red Pack features 20 all new Combat Cards which can be used with any Red Ranger in Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid!
Power Rangers
This is a Renegade Exclusive!
Power Rangers
Includes: 10 Foot Soldier Cards (Ranger Sentries) 1 Rules Card Requires Power Rangers Heroes of the Grid to play.
Power Rangers
The RPM Rangers are here! This expansion adds the RPM team to Heroes of the Grid! Add the 5 RPM rangers (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Black) to your game. Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid is needed to...